Tuesday, July 16Outbound Training, Team Building and Leadership

Gold Mine Journey

Gold Mine is fast-paced, getting things done through team, Changing Attitude, Reducing Ego, Increasing Passion, Engaging teams under time pressure to experience workplace issues of communication, resource management and group think.  A facilitated debriefing at the end shares best practices in collaboration which are critical to the bottom-line.   By providing simple yet powerful metaphors about how things really work at work, audience rate Gold Mine highly time after time.

This highly interactive program addresses tendencies to hoard information and act competitively when collaboration is clearly more effective – and more profitable.   How often do teams struggle more with each other than with competitors?   The innovative format takes collaborative learning to the bottom line with emphasis on internal alignment and information-sharing.  Gold Mine is an excellent front-end learning experience to any team building, conference, or strategic planning meeting, especially with teams that cut across functional areas such as marketing, accounting, human resources, production, R&D, and engineering. 

What Participants Learn?

  • Learn how delegating tasks and assigning role expectations improves results.
  • Discover methods of planning and goal setting to optimize performance.
  • Experience how and why people choose competition over collaboration, even when the costs are high and the payoff low.
  • Understand when to use collaboration instead of competition.
  • Learn seven best practices in team performance.
  • Experience effective and ineffective ways that teams involve top leadership in decision-making and vice-versa.
  • See the immediate financial impact of how they affect and are affected by competitive dynamics across teams.

For Details contact training(@)siegergroups.com or call +91 9840097567, +91 7550053010

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